
Sabtu, 02 April 2016

Your Experiences With Ghosts And Haunted Houses

By Alvin Alkwinds

Psychics around the world often do haunted house investigations because they see a spiritual entity inside of a home. Many psychics find the process of home investigations to be draining on their individualized spirit. Many people say that a psychic can see into the past, present and future. I personally believe that they can for various different reasons. I like the fact that people in general often find the spiritual realm there. In reality, a person must find a unique opportunity for growth and for positioning. You must find it inside of your heart to discover something new in home investigations.

Home investigations started sometime in the 1990s. The investigations came out and many people thought that their homes were haunted. Thanks to video tape machines and recording devices, the voices of ghosts were able to get picked up. Now, haunted house investigation is becoming a hobby and a business for many people. A house is said to be haunted when objects or people are seen that are not physically present.

Moundsville Prison in West Virginia is one of the most haunted places in USA. A large number of paranormal investigators often visit the place where most of Native Americans were buried. Though prison is closed, many former inmates and prison staff have seen a man moving around the prison compound. The guards have even reported about phantoms and strange noises, sounds and voices in the premises. Union Cemetery in Connecticut is one of the most haunted cemeteries where people have often seen orbs and mists captured on their camera. Photographs and videos of "White Lady" spirit have surprised many who do not actually see her but lens has captured her movements.

Coral Gables Biltmore Hotel is another hotel that is visited by spirit of a mobster and a lady. The hotel elevator often seems strange things happening with the power going off, auto-open and auto-close of doors and strange sounds on the floor where Fatty Walsh, the mobster was killed while gambling. The lady in white often visits the rooms of visitors. The Stickney House located in Bull Valley, Illinois was used by Stickney couple for spiritualism where they spoke with dead children quite often. The police staff housed here have often heard strange noises, self-movement of things, blink of lights and auto-operation of doors and windows.

Haunted Houses are scary. Most people visit them on Halloween. However, a lot of people join ghost hunting groups in order to discover new entities from happening. It is really cool to listen to the voices that haunt houses when you get home from a haunted house investigation. People are often freaked out by these voices and a lot of people ask the question, "What is going on here?" A lot of people find it to be weird. If you are thinking about going on your own investigation, make sure to take some friends with you. If you dont, you will be shocked and surprised at how scared you will be.

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