
Minggu, 24 April 2016

Your Health In A Psychics Eyes

By Harry Wildowns

If you have ever been to a psychic that reads health, I am sure that you got some answers that you were looking for. Many psychics today can predict a persons health as if they were a medical doctor themselves. It is said that we should never trust a psychic when it comes to our health. I have to agree that your health should be handled by your medical doctor.

However, in many countries around the world, people visit psychics and witchdoctors for answers. Many people wonder if there are cures out there that only spiritualists can see. A lot of illnesses today have no cures. People often turn to psychic advisers for help because they wonder what is in store for them. At some point, they may be able to find the answers that they are looking for.

Psychics like Nostradamus were famous for predicting events like WWII and the name Hitler. Nostradamus was probably one of the most important astrologers of his time. Now, 500 years later, his prophecies are still spoken about. Many people wonder how these seers got their information. In most cases, the information was not available in the media or press in any way, shape or form. Psychics like Edgar Cayce were able to predict peoples illnesses in their sleep.

Edgar Cayce is not alone. Many psychics in the 21st century see themselves as having helpful information for people that feel like there is no cure for them. What do you do when a doctor tells you that you only have 6 months to live? Do you prepare for death or try to find someone that can help you. There are questions that remain unanswered for many different reasons. For starters, psychics are not always 100% correct. Sometimes they tell you that something is wrong with your health and in reality, nothing is wrong and you are completely fine.

Should we listen to a medium when they tell us that we have cancer or should get treated for some kind of a virus? It is important to always consult with your medical doctor first. Psychics do not study medicine. However, some are very good at predicting the future in a persons overall health. We cant help to ignore a legendary prophet in the 20th century named Edgar Cayce. This prophet was said to diagnose illnesses in his sleep. He was able to foresee cures for people that gave up hope because doctors were not able to help them. It is clear that Edgar Cayce was seeing some type of a cure for his clients.

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