
Kamis, 28 April 2016

How to use a proper strategy to keep your ex in the game

• You cannot call your ex right away and start apologizing. You cannot over burden them with messages and texts. This would give off the wrong signal that you are too desperate, and that
person will lose interest in you altogether.

• However, you cannot also start acting like a turkey gone completely cold. This would mean to your ex that you really do not care about him or her, and so there will never be the chance
of anything good coming to pass.

• The trick lies in the art of cheesing through your actions perfectly well. Never over-do things; never under-do things too. You can wait around for a month before contacting that overdone, and drop in a casual message about how your ex is doing, and then state you intentions.

• Whether that person calls you back or not will be the clue to what the other one is thinking about you. If you ex gives you no call, wait for at least a week before you send a message again. If however, things do not look up, it is time for you to leave your hopes unfulfilled. Sometimes things are ended and left alone for good.

• What you can also do is to style up you performance a little bit. You need to tell the other person through your gestures that you care about that person so as to be his or her friends, but you also do not obsess over him or her so that you are not too desperate.

• You can contact tour ex on his or her birthdays or on other important occasions. This is always a very a good idea that most of the times works. But do not send the card immediately. Wait for a few days so that the card will arrive late, and this would give the impressions that you almost forgot the date, but you are also not uncaring since you took the trouble to get the card when you remembered.

This will make you look less obsessed, and more light hearted and easy going. This will make your ex think of you with a puzzled appeal

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