
Senin, 18 April 2016

Your Reputation Precedes You

By Kelsey Simon

Reputation may be defined as gaining recognition from other people for some characteristic or ability you possess, whether positive or negative. It can also mean the overall quality or character as seen or judged by people in general. There are many advantages to maintaining a positive character, one of which is your reputation. Your reputation is developed over time.

You must consistently demonstrate and maintain positive moral character traits in order to develop a great reputation. Once a bad reputation is established, it is difficult to undo what others think of you. It is far better to maintain a decent reputation. So, be careful and pay attention to the reputation that you are building.

Do you know anyone with a bad reputation? That reputation was developed by some action others saw or heard about that person at one time or another, whether it was true or not. In other words, someone who steals will gain the reputation of being a thief and will not be trusted. People will be afraid to leave their belongings around that person. When negative character traits are demonstrated over a period of time, they become part of your character and part of your reputation.

On the other hand, a person who has earned a reputation of being trustworthy and responsible, will be known as a dependable person. He will be trusted, respected and admired for his positive character traits. As you know, word gets around whether its positive or negative, and your reputation is no different. In fact, you may know all about someone, though it may be true or not, without ever meeting them because their reputation precedes them just as your reputation precedes you.

As you strive to maintain a positive moral character, you will maintain a positive reputation at the same time. People are observing you at all times, whether you realize it or not. The more others observe you, the more they put together a picture of what youre all about.

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