
Kamis, 28 April 2016

What Is A True Christian

By Opur Hymers

When you hear the word Christian, what comes to your mind? Maybe that image of church-goers or those who carry with them the cross chanting the prayers of God. Or maybe the name of someone you know. Whatever you cook up in your mind, its clear: Christians are the followers of Jesus Christ (hence why it has Christ in its name). But the label of Christian doesnt make you necessarily a Christian right away. There are things that can signify you are. So then, what is a true Christian? What are marks of that?

What is a false prophet? A false prophet is someone who makes claims that they have the gift of prophecy. He uses it not only to deceive people, but for objectives of evil. He may be perceived as a prophet, a true prophet to some, but he is a false prophet to many. The Bible has cited in many cases where false prophets have been trying to capture the attention of people by making claims such as Jesus saying they will be like him in performing miracles or that they see the Apocalypse coming from a mile away. False prophets also make claims that they are agents of God and therefore must be followed if you want to be saved.

The Christian worships God according to how it was written. He doesnt do it in any other way; the way God said it should be done should be done that way. This shows that the true Christian is loyal and respectful of the Lords intentions. Whatever happens to him in life: whether an unfortunate event occurred or a successful event was brought upon, the true Christian has faith in the God and Jesus. He believes it was meant to happen and as such believes that everything happens for a reason. A true Christian strives for a sin-free life. While this is hard to do, the true Christian will do his best to go for a sin-free life but not in a way that it will displease the Lord. He wants to do it accordingly so it still follows the principles of the Bible.

A true Christian fears God. He doesnt fear him like Hes some crazy monster lurking in the deep. What this means is he knows how God is powerful and he acknowledges his authority on life. It is a powerful acknowledgement to know God is up there, looking over at the people of the World. Of course, there are times when people will push away a true Christian from what he believes but the true Christian will always stay true to his allegiance. That means he will stick to the word of God and stay strong even if the discouragements are strong. He has faith in God even in times of hardship for he knows God has plans.

So in a way, Christianity is quite different from other religions in the branch of Catholicism. As it stands, Christianity has a very big focus on everything about Jesus. It can be a bit hard to understand everything about it but if you take the time to listen and read, youll see that Christianity and Catholic and all other religious branches are not that far from each other. They all still see God as a central part of their faith. So whatever religion you belong to, keep to your beliefs but show respect for others.

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