
Kamis, 24 Maret 2016

4 Reasons You Should Not Rush in to Get Your Ex Back

Elvis Presley, you know, the KING of Rock-n-Roll, said it best. "Fools rush in." You love your ex. Theres no doubt about that. You cant just turn it off because shes decided its over. But if you go all gung ho and rush right in demanding a second chance, you might just end up pushing her into taking out a restraining order to keep you at arms length. Thats the last thing you want to happen if youre serious about getting her back. But, did you know there are other reasons to wait a little while before trying to win her heart all over again? Here are a few of my personal favorites.

1) Absence really does make the heart grow fonder. She needs a little bit of absence from you in order to appreciate how much you did bring to the relationship -- and to her on a personal level. She needs the chance to get over the hurt and anger and start remember the fun, funny, and slightly quirky things you did that brought a smile to her face and made her feel loved by you.

2) You get a little distance from the pain. In the moments when your heart is truly breaking, all you can focus on is the pain. You want the pain to end. Since the breakup was what has caused the pain, getting her back should make it go away. Right? Not necessarily. It may provide a temporary balm, but its better to get a little distance so you can be certain you really want her back or if moving on might be the better path for you.

3) Allows you time to consider your options. You dont have to get her back. Even if you do, you may decide that changes need to be made on your end of the relationship. How much, after all, have you really been getting from the relationship? Are you getting as much from it as you put into it? If not, what kinds of changes do you plan to make?

4) Provides you with the perfect opportunity to devise an effective strategy. You may not be up-to-date on the latest strategy to get your ex back, but that doesnt mean you shouldnt take a little time to brush up on your technique. You may even be surprised to learn that having a strategy for getting back together with your ex greatly improves the odds of success.

Dont float around in a haze of pain begging her for a second chance at every turn. Its not good for your self-esteem or your image. More importantly, it wont melt her heart the way you hope. Instead, sit back, relax, get your bearings. Then let me help you come up with a killer strategy that will have her eating out of the palm of your hands before she knows whats hit her.

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