
Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

Speak From Your Heart

By Evan Sanders

Its not the easiest thing to do at times, but you really have to slow down and connect with the moment and be "here."

Trust me, you can spend your whole life avoiding being there (the past) or trying to get there (the future).

Well you cant go back to the past and change it and if you start rowing towards this island of "where it all turns out" youre never going to get there.

Its a lie. Its one sexy mirage though.

The only time you have is now and the only place you can ever right here. You are this moment. That might sound hippy dippy but its actually the truth. Its as true as true gets.

When you let go of everything else and show up right now, you give yourself access to an incredible amount of power. You give yourself access to really "living" for the first time.

Great power comes from present. Great power comes from showing up as the hero of your life instead of avoiding the path you know you are meant to take. You finally get to be yourself. You finally get to live in the moment.

What happens if you dont make the choice? Tragedy.

Well, you make the decision to continuously live a life where its all on fire and you are trying to juggle 20 things at once with the capacity to juggle 11, seeking and grasping at things that will never make you happy...and make it to the middle of your life... old...broken down, full of resentment and miserable because youve been chasing shadows your whole life.

Doesnt sound that great to me.

Not gonna do that.

So make the choice to start being "here." You couldnt believe how much things will change when you do.

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