
Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Its Time For Your Redemption

By Evan Sanders

Its not too late.

Its never too late to start over. Its never too late to try again.

At any point in your day you can start over and over again.

No matter how many times you have failed, you can start over again and again and again.

It is time for your redemption.

And your redemption comes every single day.

I cant tell you how many times I have looked at my life and knew that I needed to start fresh. I knew that I needed to let old things go and start completely fresh.

You dont have to be afraid of changing everything in a heartbeat.

Sometimes there are going to be completely unexpected things that happen in your life.

But thats what its all about...expectations.

When we have expectations of this life or of other people, we put ourselves in the path of huge disappointment.

Shakespeare himself said, "Expectation is the root of all heartache."

And I think he nailed it.

Because the minute you expect something, and it doesnt go your way, you are heartbroken.

But if you get rid of your expectations you will live in a world full of mystery time and time again.

You get to live in a fantastic mystery.

When you get rid of thinking you know whats going to happen, you open your life up to anything happen. And doesnt that sound a lot more fun? Doesnt that sound like a future that is much more exciting?

No walls live there.

So heres the challenge I have for you. Get rid of your expectations. Get rid of always thinking that you know whats going to happen and be open to everything happening. Be open to having your dreams come true and be open to experiencing all that life has to offer.

Live in a brand new way.

Truly live.

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