
Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

Recovering from Valentines Day

For people who are with their soulmates, Valentine’s Day can be a non-issue. Every day feels like Valentine’s Day, and there are so many occasions – anniversary, holidays, birthdays – that not all need to be super special and some of the most romantic times arise unexpectedly.

Those who seem to suffer the most are people who don’t yet have their Valentine (and I would look at it THAT way – that your Valentine is on the way but not here yet). Why?

If you’re not with your valentine, you can feel left out. People around you might be getting flowers or going out but you’re not.

My Recommendations
1. Remind yourself that when your One comes along, it will make up for every single bad V. Day you’ve ever had. You’ll be too busy being happy to even remember this one.

2. Go ahead and further the “soul call” that I hope you’ve sent (if you do my work, you have) by buying a card or gift for the love of your life in advance. It’s an affirmation for what’s coming and it’s super fun to give your love this gift next year or even on your wedding day.

3. Affirm that by next Valentines Day, you will have romantic time with your One and be glad this year has passed.

For a bit of cheer, in the event youre still RECOVERING from this holiday, check out my uplifting Valentines Video by clicking the link to be reassured that love is on its way and youre FINE (the truth).



Saturday, February 26, 2011

Boating in Barbados
I hope you had a great Valentine’s Day! As I write, were just ending our 2 weeks in Barbados, after enjoying Jamaica for 5 weeks. Next up is St Lucia, where well spend a month. I have to admit that exploring the Caribbean this winter is the best romantic gift a gal could ask for from her soulmate (thanks, honey!)

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